#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # cos_quadratic_interpolation.py # # 2014.10.27 import math #------------------------------# # polynomial operations # #------------------------------# # f = [f[0], f[1], ..., f[d]] # represents the polynomial # f(x) = c[d] x^d + ... + c[1] * x + c[0] # zero polynomial = [0] # degree of f = len(f) - 1 # weather f is zero polynomial or not def polzeroq(f): return (f == [0]) # degree of f def deg(f): return len(f) - 1 # set the degree # ( necessary after addition, subtraction and so on ) def cutzero(f): while f[-1] == 0: if f == [0]: break del f[-1] return # addition def poladd(f, g): if polzeroq(f): return g if polzeroq(g): return f m = deg(f) n = deg(g) c = [] if m >= n: for i in range(n + 1): c.append(f[i] + g[i]) for i in range(n + 1, m + 1): c.append(f[i]) cutzero(c) else: for i in range(m + 1): c.append(f[i] + g[i]) for i in range(m + 1, n + 1): c.append(g[i]) return c # scalar multiple def polscmul(a, f): if polzeroq(f): return [0] c = [] for i in range(len(f)): c.append(a * f[i]) return c # multiplication def polmul(f, g): if polzeroq(f) or polzeroq(g): return [0] m = deg(f) n = deg(g) c = [0] * (m + n + 1) for i in range(m + 1): a = f[i] for j in range(n + 1): c[i + j] = c[i + j] + (a * g[j]) return c # evaluate f(x) at x = a def poleval(f, a): w = 0 d = deg(f) for i in range(d, -1, -1): w = a * w + f[i] return w # string expressing polynomial f with real coefficients def realpolstr(f): if f == [0]: return "0" s = "" d = deg(f) for i in range(d, -1, -1): c = f[i] if c != 0: if c > 0: if i < d: s = s + " + " else: s = s + " - " c = abs(c) if c != 1 or i == 0: s = s + ("%f" % c) if i > 0: s = s + " * " if i > 1: s = s + ("x^%d" % i) if i == 1: s = s + "x" return s # output a polynomial with real coefficients def realpolwrite(f): print realpolstr(f), return # + line feed def realpolwriteln(f): print realpolstr(f) return #------------------------------# # main routine # #------------------------------# x0 = - math.pi / 8 x1 = 0 x2 = math.pi / 8 y0 = math.cos(x0) y1 = math.cos(x1) y2 = math.cos(x2) n0 = polscmul(1.0 / ((x0 - x1) * (x0 - x2)), polmul([-x1, 1], [-x2, 1])) n1 = polscmul(1.0 / ((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x2)), polmul([-x0, 1], [-x2, 1])) n2 = polscmul(1.0 / ((x2 - x0) * (x2 - x1)), polmul([-x0, 1], [-x1, 1])) p = poladd(poladd(polscmul(y0, n0), polscmul(y1, n1)), polscmul(y2, n2)) print "quadratic Lagrange interpolation of sin(x) at -pi/8, 0, pi/8:" print "p(x) =", realpolwriteln(p) print f = [1, 0, - 0.5] print "Taylor expansion at x = 0 up to the 2nd term:" print "f(x) =", realpolwriteln(f) print x = 0 while x <= x2: y = math.cos(x) px = poleval(p, x) fx = poleval(f, x) print "x =", x print "cos(x) =", y print "p(x) =", px, print ", error =", abs(y - px) print "f(x) =", fx, print ", error =", abs(y - fx) print x += 0.05