Level 151
- The ordering of the indices may be different from those in [Shio91], Example 4.1.
Fundamental Data
- Level q = 151
- (q,∞)-Quaternion Algebra D = Q[ I, J ] with I2 = -1, J2 = -151, K = IJ = -JI
- Class Number H = 13, Type Number T = 10
- A Maximal Order O in D :
O = (1/2) < 1+0I+1J+0K, 1I+0J+1K, 2J+0K, 2K >
- Representatives of Left O-Ideal Classes :
A1 = < 1+0I+1J+0K, 1I+0J+1K, 2J+0K, 2K > ( norm = 4 )
A2 = < 1+0I+1J+0K, 1I+0J+1K, 4J+0K, 4K > ( norm = 8 )
A3 = < 1+0I+5J+0K, 1I+0J+5K, 8J+0K, 8K > ( norm = 16 )
A4 = < 1+0I+5J+4K, 1I+4J+5K, 8J+0K, 8K > ( norm = 16 )
A5 = < 1+0I+5J+0K, 1I+0J+5K, 16J+0K, 16K > ( norm = 32 )
A6 = < 1+0I+5J+8K, 1I+8J+5K, 16J+0K, 16K > ( norm = 32 )
A7 = < 1+0I+13J+12K, 1I+4J+13K, 16J+0K, 16K > ( norm = 32 )
A8 = < 1+0I+13J+4K, 1I+12J+13K, 16J+0K, 16K > ( norm = 32 )
A9 = < 1+0I+5J+16K, 1I+16J+5K, 32J+0K, 32K > ( norm = 64 )
A10 = < 1+0I+5J+24K, 1I+8J+5K, 32J+0K, 32K > ( norm = 64 )
A11 = < 1+0I+5J+8K, 1I+24J+5K, 32J+0K, 32K > ( norm = 64 )
A12 = < 1+0I+29J+28K, 1I+4J+29K, 32J+0K, 32K > ( norm = 64 )
A13 = < 1+0I+29J+4K, 1I+28J+29K, 32J+0K, 32K > ( norm = 64 )
- Maximal Orders Oj = (Aj)-1(Aj) :
O1 = (1/2) < 1+0I+1J+0K, 1I+0J+1K, 2J+0K, 2K >
O2 = (1/4) < 2+0I+2J+0K, 1I+0J+5K, 4J+0K, 8K >
O3 = (1/8) < 4+0I+4J+0K, 1I+0J+5K, 8J+0K, 32K >
O4 = (1/8) < 4+0I+4J+16K, 1I+4J+29K, 8J+0K, 32K >
O5 = (1/16) < 8+0I+8J+0K, 1I+0J+101K, 16J+0K, 128K >
O6 = (1/16) < 8+0I+8J+64K, 1I+8J+69K, 16J+0K, 128K >
O7 = (1/16) < 8+0I+8J+96K, 1I+4J+93K, 16J+64K, 128K >
O8 = (1/16) < 8+0I+8J+32K, 1I+12J+29K, 16J+64K, 128K >
O9 = (1/32) < 16+0I+16J+256K, 1I+16J+101K, 32J+0K, 512K >
O10 = (1/32) < 16+0I+16J+384K, 1I+8J+325K, 32J+256K, 512K >
O11 = (1/32) < 16+0I+16J+128K, 1I+24J+69K, 32J+256K, 512K >
O12 = (1/32) < 16+0I+16J+192K, 1I+4J+477K, 32J+384K, 512K >
O13 = (1/32) < 16+0I+16J+320K, 1I+28J+93K, 32J+128K, 512K >
- Isomorphic Relations Among Oj's :
O7 is isomorphic to O8
O10 is isomorphic to O11
O12 is isomorphic to O13
- Group Order ej of the Unit Group of Oj :
e1 = 4,
ej = 2 ( 2 <= j <= H )
Further Data ( Text Files )
Factorization of the Characteristic Polynomials of the Hecke Operators on S2+(Γ0(q))
Factorization of the Characteristic Polynomials of the Hecke Operators on M2-(Γ0(q)) ( Including the Eisenstein Series )
- The eigenvalues of B(2) and the common eigenvectors vj ( j = 1, ..., H ) of B(n)'s
- The j-th line of this text file indicates the associated eigenvalue and the transposed vector of vj = ( vij ), i.e.,
those data are stored in the order
     for j = 1 to H
         the eigenvalue, v1j, v2j, ... , vH,j
- Representatives { Aij } i = 1,...,H of Left Oj-Ideal Classes
- Theta Series θij Associated to Aij
- The range of the Fourier expansion = 1024
- The Fourier coefficients of ej θij(z) = Σn=0,1,2,... aij(n) exp(2πinz) are stored in the order
     for j = 1 to H
         for i = j to H
             aij(0), aij(1), ..., aij(1024)
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